Monday, 4 April 2011

How new Google algorithms’ comes in a better way?

As we know Goggle algorithms’ came up with a new announcement on 24th Feb. 2011; known as Google Panda update or Farmer update, Google named it Panda because the man involved behind this new invention was a person named Panda. According to Google, this update has the motive of improving search results and user experience. And Google did it by reducing the ranking of low quality website. This time Google algorithms has emphasized on quality, not quantity. In this way they can stop content plagiarism.

With new Google algorithms’ one thing is clear that you need to write a content of close to 400 words. One more thing Google read the second paragraph of your content not the first one.
There are number of Search engine optimization techniques available to improve search engine rankings in relation to Farmer/Panda algorithm update. It’s time to improve individual page by checking paragraph structure, content should be original and in relevance with the topic, use relevant keyword in writing article, never mislead with topic. There is no harm in answering frequently asked questions by using keywords and using anchor text that connects to your site. If your website is huge, then don’t forget to create site map.
By this way, one thing came in mind how we are going to ensure high page rankings, to solve this issue website should be structured, link building in a consistent manner, genuine content and navigation reader friendly, Blog creation and updating it frequently, keeps your website up-to-date.
So, that was all about Google algorithms

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